City of Ten Thousand Buddhas - Ukiah, CA USA

The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) is located in Ukiah, California. It is open to visitors every day from 8 AM - 6 PM.


Please note: Google Maps often gives bad directions to CTTB. The best way to get here is by going on Highway 101 as we are only a few minutes from the highway.
Please refer to the following campus map: Campus Map (PDF)

請注意:Google Maps
常常提供到萬佛聖城的錯誤指南,您最好走101高速公路,因為我們距離高速公路只有幾分鐘,請參考下面的地圖:Campus Map (PDF)


By Car: 開車

Coming from the South (e.g. Bay Area or San Francisco)


    1. Cross the Golden Gate Bridge and drive up Freeway 101 North for approximately two hours.

    2. Exit "Talmage Road" from Freeway 101.
      從Talmage Road出口下101高速公路。

    3. Right turn on Talmage Road and drive for about five minutes.
      在Talmage Road右轉,繼續開約五分鐘。

    4. You should see the Front Gate of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (picture above).

Coming from the North (e.g. Willits)


    1. Take Freeway 101 South.

    2. Exit Talmage Rd.
      從Talmage Rd下高速公路。

    3. Turn right onto Talmage Rd (you should be heading east).
      在Talmage Rd右轉。

    4. Drive until you see the Front Gate.

By Plane: 搭飛機

You may either fly into San Francisco Airport (SFO), Oakland Airport (OAK), or Sonoma Airport.


From San Francisco Airport (SFO): 從舊金山機場

    1. BART (San Francisco subway system) and Greyhound Bus

      • Once you landed, you may take public transport to CTTB. Total Cost ~$40. First take BART (Bay Area Rapid Transport, www.bart.gov) to the Embarcadero Station. This usually takes about 45 minutes. You should plan to leave by 2pm from the BART to make it to the Greyhound station with ample time.


      • After arriving at the Embarcadero stop, walk two blocks to 425 Mission Street, San Francisco. (Walk southwest down Market Street, take a left onto Fremont Street, and then a right on to Mission Street. The station should be on your left.)


      • Then, take the Greyhound bus to "Ukiah" (~$33). See www.greyhound.com for more information. Usually, the bus leaves at 3:35pm and arrives at 6:35pm, and you need to purchase the ticket in advance or allow yourself enough time to purchase the ticket at the station if seats are available.)


      • Make sure you contact DRBU and/or CTTB ahead of time, so we can arrange for someone to pick you up at the Greyhound station here in Ukiah.


    2. Hertz Rental Car | Hertz租車
      • You can also rent a car from Hertz (www.hertz.com), and return the car at the Ukiah Municipal Airport. The cost for a rental car is about $75-85/day.


From Sonoma Airport: 索諾馬機場

Please take MTA Bus#65

請搭乘MTA 65號巴士

With prior arrangements, we can usually arrange for someone to pick you up at the Ukiah Greyhound station or Ukiah Airport.



Please email [email protected] if you have questions or comments.

如果您有任何問題或建議,請電郵[email protected]